Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Welcome Letter

Dear Students,

             Welcome to United States History II. I would like to tell you a little about my classroom so you know what to expect each day. First, I like to provide a safe classroom environment where each student can express his or her opinion without fear of sarcastic comments being made. I will always try to respect you and your opinions and I expect the same from you.

I am a very patient person but I will not tolerate any behavior that affects the learning of the students in my classroom. It is your responsibility to control your impulses and monitor your behavior. If I speak to you about an inappropriate behavior, you will have an opportunity to correct/change the behavior. However, if the behavior persist, I will give you an after school detention, call your parents, and if necessary, send you to the office. In addition, your classroom behavior and participation will count towards your quarter grade so it is imperative that you use appropriate behavior in class at all times. I do not anticipate these problems, but would just like you to know that I like things in my class to run smoothly.

You may have pop quizzes in this class. It is essential that you complete all assigned readings in there entirety. Please bring to class with you any questions you have about anything covered in the assignment that you do not understand or will need clarified. It is your responsibility to seek assistance if there is something you do not understand. There will be quizzes, tests, projects, papers, homework, and class work on a regular basis. Plan on doing a significant amount of reading, writing and note taking. Please come to class prepared to do important work, which means bringing all necessary materials to class with you each day including a writing utensil, an assignment notebook, any handouts you received, your homework, and any other materials you may need. It is your responsibility to be prepared for class.

I do allow eating and drinking in my class during FIRST PERIOD as long as the trash is disposed of properly. That does not mean throwing it into the trash can from across the room. If students abuse this privilege by leaving behind water bottles, coffee cups, wrappers, etc this privilege will be revoked for all students, so please do not ruin it for everyone else.

Also, attendance is extremely important. We cover a lot of material during class and your presence and participation are essential components of passing this course. If you are absent it is your responsibility to bring in an absence note to Mrs. White the school attendance person. Once your absence is confirmed as excused she will issue you a pink make up slip. This slip will allow you to make up any assignments that you missed while you were absent. It will also tell you exactly how long you have to make up your assignment. (One day per day absent.) Assignments turned in after the make up date will not receive any credit. It is your responsibility to speak to me either before or after (not during) class to obtain any work that you missed while out. Any outstanding make up work not submitted will be entered in my rank book as a zero after one week.

Finally, try to stay organized. It is your responsibility to maintain an organized notebook and store all handouts distributed throughout the year. If you loose it I will not replace it. I recommend using a three ring binder to store loose-leaf paper for note taking and room to insert handouts. Bring this and your assignment notebook with you to class every single day. If you develop good organization skills it will help you throughout high school and college. I hope that you enjoy my class and I look forward to getting to know each of you this year.

Ms. White

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