Monday, February 25, 2013

Research Paper Checklist

U.S. History II
Ms. White

Name__________________________________________ Date________________________________ Block______

Research Paper Check List
Before you hand in the research paper, please go through this list and check off that you did/have each of the items on this list. You will PUT THIS LIST ON THE TOP OF THE CLIPPED FILE THAT YOU PASS IN. This checklist, when you pass it in, is worth 5 points IF it is accurate (things you checked you have done) and turned in on the day the paper was due.

Here is a list of things that should be paper clipped together and handed in on FRIDAY MARCH 8, 2013.

____ This check list (on top) Checklist needs to have your name as well as each part of the check list checked off.

____ Your Research Paper.

____ Your Works Consulted page printed out from Noodle Tools.

____ Your library notes packet that you’ve been taking notes in.

____ The Writing Rubric that was given to you for the Project.

Checking your work:
Note Cards:
____ All parts of my notes packet are completed all the way to the end.

Research Paper Checklist:
____ My name is on the top right-hand corner along with the due date and my class period.

____My paper is TYPED in 12-point font, Times New Roman, black ink, double spaced and 1” margins. It is at least THREE pages long. 

_____I have an interesting grabber that lures the reader, detailed background information that includes time, place, & setting a clear thesis statement and road map in my introductory paragraph.

___ I have three solid CLAIMS for each of my body paragraphs. My CLAIMS match the three reasons in my road map and they are in the same order as I presented them in my introductory paragraph (Body Paragraph 1’s claim is the same as Reason 1 in my introductory paragraph).

____ I have specific evidence in my body paragraphs that support my three claims.

____For each claim and evidence, in my body paragraphs, I have written an interpretation—an explanation of why the claim is important to make.

____My paper concisely summarizes my 3-claims/key points and restates the thesis in a unique way.

____ I have used “formal voice”. This means that I did not use “first person” (I, me, in my opinion etc.) or “second person” (you, your etc.) in my essay. I also did not use contractions (don’t, can’t etc.) in my paper or slang words.

____I have read the paper out loud to myself or a member of my family to listen for problems with wording and grammar.

____I have NOT just relied on spell-checker to make sure all is spelled correctly. I proofread the paper to make sure that there are no errors (even better if you can have some other person—like an adult or an NHS tutor read the paper as well to look for errors).

____My Works Consulted page has ALL of the sources that I used listed on it.

____I believe this paper is the BEST representation of what I am capable of doing for work. 

Research Paper Scoring Guide

Research Paper Scoring Guide

Writing Rubric

Rough Draft

Copy of Peer Editing Revisions

IIM Research Planner

      /25      (5pts/page x 5 pages)

Paper Formatting
      /5  (typed, 12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman, 3 pages)

Works Consulted

      /5 (all sources utilized are cited using MLA format)

General Requirements
      /5 (5-7 sources, 1 primary source, 1 database, 1 print source, 15 note cards)

Total Points

Research Paper Writing Rubric

Research Paper Rubric                           Student Name: ___________________________

Points Available
2.5                3               3.5            4              4.5             5              5.5             6                 7            7.5       8

c No message
c No clear ideas or evidence of topic
c Details are undeveloped
c Questions are unanswered
c Vague, unclear
c Ideas are limited, reader assembles
c Details are limited, vague
c Many questions are left unanswered
c Not always clear
c General ideas, need guesswork
c Details are vague, repeat
c Some questions left unanswered
c Somewhat clear
c Ideas can be inferred, drawn out
c Includes some detail
c Key, basic issues covered for reader
c Clear, concise
c Ideas are strong and are identifiable
c Details support claim
c Answers many questions for reader
c Focused, clear
c In-depth ideas that give direction
c Carefully selected details
c Answers all questions for reader


c Hard to follow, needs re-reading
c Many elements need reordering
c No transitions, piece is choppy
c No opening or closing exist in piece
c Reader frequently feels lost
c Out of place elements, distracting
c Hard to connect elements of piece
c Opening, closing formulaic/unclear
c Reader feels lost at times
c Out-of-place, not distracting elements
c Transitions are missing, overdone
c Opening, closing lack direction
c Readily followed with attention
c Workable structure, order
c Discussion holds together
c Beginnings of opening, closing
c Piece is easy to  follow for reader
c Sequencing promotes clarity
c Transitions create coherence
c Opening and closing exist in piece
c Guides reader through thinking
c Thoughtful, effective sequencing
c Piece is cohesive, transitions are subtle
c Compelling opening and closing

c No sense of writer’s “presence”
c No confidence
c No reader connection
c Unaware of audience, purpose
c Encyclopedic or the wrong voice
c Hesitant voice
c Little connection with reader
c Does not fit with audience, purpose
c Voice comes and goes during piece
c Inconsistent
c Indifferent connection to reader
c Needs fit with audience, purpose
c Functional voice, sharable moments
c Some confidence
c Moments of connection to reader
c Clearly aware of audience, purpose
c A possible “read-aloud” piece
c Self-assured
c Keeps readers engaged, interested
c Appropriate for audience, purpose
c Engaging – a “read-aloud” piece
c Authoritative
c Strong voice, hard to put down
c Matches purpose and audience well
Word Choice

c Confusing, incorrect language
c Flat or inflated, jargon, clichés, slang
c No strong verbs
c Modifiers are misused, distracting
c Words misused, vague, or unclear
c Some inflated, flat language, jargon
c Strong verbs rare
c Modifiers are distracting
c Not always clear or inflated/flat
c Moments of flat, inflated, language
c Simplistic verbs
c Restraint of modifiers needed
c Clear, generally correct word choice
c Lively phrasing outweighs clichés
c Balanced verbs
c Modifiers may be overdone
c Clear and correct word choice
c Distinct, lively phrasing dominant
c Utilizes verbs
c Appropriate use of modifiers
c Clear, original, precise word choice
c Consistent use of distinct phrasing
c Visual, energetic
c Modifiers used enrich meaning
Sentence Fluency

c Hard to follow, requires rereading
c Little attention to sentence structure
c Structure impairs meaning, content
c Revision needed for reading aloud
c Slows reader, require rereading
c Sentence variety is inconsistent
c Problems distract reader from content
c Reading aloud a challenge
c Sentence errors slow down reader
c Sentences are patterned, formulaic
c Problems affect readability
c Reading aloud takes rehearsal
c Fairly easy to read, despite errors
c Some variety of sentence structure
c Strengths outweigh problems
c Permits reading aloud with practice
c  Smooth, natural, errors are minimal
c Varied sentence structure for clarity
c Few problems, high readability
c Sentences allow reading aloud
c Smooth, natural, easy on the ear
c Highly varied sentence structure
c No problems, high readability
c Invites animated reading aloud


c Serious, frequent errors; hard to read
c Reader must mentally edit text
c Writer struggles, even with basics
c Word-by-word editing needed
c Several errors, reading a challenge
c Errors often impair readability
c Conventions not under control
c Line-by-line editing needed
c Noticeable, distracting errors
c Errors begin to affect readability
c Inconsistent use of conventions
c Careful editing needed to publish
c Errors exist, little impact on clarity
c Conventions support readability
c Writer in control, but may make errors
c Ready to publish with careful editing
c Errors minor, but no impact on clarity
c Conventions support meaning
c Writer in control of most conventions
c Ready to publish with minor editing
c Errors minimal, inconsequential
c Conventions enhance content
c Writer in control of all conventions
c Virtually ready for publication
Text Box: TOTAL SCORE:                           /50
IIM Research Planner attached (25 pts) ____       Rough draft attached (5 pts) _____

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